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Dance Videos and Performer Reels

Short clips up to music video length, generally filmed in a relaxed and natural setting.


Who doesn't like a bit of a boogie to this Pussycat Dolls classic? Paris for the win!

When the Party's Over

This is absolutely divine contemporary lyrical choreography and performance by Ana. Wow!

Cardboard Box

Melbourne pro dancer Paris absolutely kills this one!

Be Mine

The amazing Ana Campbell gets her Latin on, on the stage!

Ain't no Sunshine

A single take of Harleigh-Rose dancing to one of the all-time classics.

Electricity Drive

An exquisite improv by Tahlia to this ambient electronica track from Alphawezen.

It's Alright

Harleigh-Rose lays down some moves to this sultry hit from electronic house band Madison Avenue.

Alice is in Love with the Mad Hatter

Tash is Alice ... and the Mad Hatter ... and the Red Queen ... in this awesome outdoor performance. This song by Luna Keller is just so cute and happy!

Music by Luna Keller and licensed through

The Business

A new showreel for the amazing Taylor - dancer and choreographer. This work was shot in just 3 hrs of studio time!

Shot in the Dark

A true collaboration and co-design process lead to this work featuring dance by Renee Ayres, choreography co-developed by Renee and me, set to music by me that evolved as the choreography emerged.

Is It Alright

I love this song by the amazing Maya Isacowitz, so I got together with the wonderful dancer and actor Tash Bowers, and we choreographed and filmed this interpretation in a guest house in the Dandenongs. Hope you like it!

Music licensed from

Can't Stop Won't Stop

Tascha S shows off her dance and model skills in this music video set to Ian Post's Can't Stop Won't Stop.

Music licensed from

Angus E

Strength and flow come together in this short piece by Angus E.

Seine River

Australian model and dancer Lily Rose delivers a hybrid of contemporary improv and fashion modelling set to IamDaylight's Seine River.

Music licensed from

Alyson K

A funky jazz riff in the country by dancer Alyson.

Stephanie C

A beautiful improv by contemporary dancer Stephanie C in a magical stand of redwoods.

Sarah M

An exquisite, short improv above the ocean by dancer and teacher Sarah.

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